This project was the first of its kind! I was very excited to try out my brand new Anycubic Photon printer and I found a wonderful artist on by the name @Schlossbauer. His models are absolutely BREATHTAKING! The detail and ease of printing/assembly were so helpful, especially since I'm new to the 3D printing scene.
The main reason for the video above wasn't actually to discuss painting techniques, but to highlight the artist's high quality and extreme eye for detail. As soon as I saw this 3d file, I knew it was going to be a sick looking model! So, I downloaded the FREE file, plopped it into Chitubox and auto supported it. I hit print, and 13 hours later, I had a wriggly, tangly mess of resin I had to clean and cure. Once it was cured, I assembled it, and prepped it for paint. Watch the video to see the process!